Finding the Path to Freedom
Every major holiday, Margaret Jones, of Fergus, Ontario, knew where she’d be spending her time. As a Registered Nurse, her job at a local hospital set her priorities for her – forcing her to sacrifice precious family time away from her husband and two young children, one with special needs. “Although I enjoyed my work, that sense was greatly outweighed by a deep personal conflict I experienced over leaving them with babysitters, or missing out on big firsts like watching Brook take his first steps,” recalls Margaret. “Not to mention having only the ‘leftovers’ of my energy available for our family when my shift was over – and these were the folks most important in my life!”
Margaret had been working a tough schedule for about four years when her husband, Gord, discovered a company that was new to Canada. Primerica, then called A.L. Williams, had just opened up shop in the country. The business offered a chance to change their present as they built something toward their future. “Gord looked into the business and was attracted to the ‘buy term and invest the difference’ philosophy,” says Margaret. “He was one of the first people in Canada to join the business. My biggest hope was that he would make enough to replace my income – about $45,000 – and fulfill my dream of being a stay-at-home mom.”
Some Tough Choices
In the early days, Margaret says they had to make some tough choices to get their business up and running. But they were determined to have a better life and they believed Primerica could help them live it. “We were starting to have success with the business so I left nursing to come into the business full-time,” recalls Margaret. “It was still a considerable stretch financially at the time, but we sold our lovely custom-built home and lived in rental units for several years until we had grown the business where we wanted it to be.”
She continues, “Now, we are glad that we made those tough choices because we have so much freedom now. Freedom that we would not have dreamed was possible while I was working as an RN. We have freedom of time, we own a beautiful home – more amazing than I could have imagined – we have the freedom to make a difference, and we have the privilege of working with some of the most astounding teammates, clients, and friends.”
Taking the Reins
Primerica gave Margaret and Gord the freedom to choose how they wanted to run their business – with Gord as the lead and Margaret helping out while enjoying being a full-time mom. When their kids were older, the pair made another choice. “Almost 15 years ago, we decided to switch roles, and I took over as the lead,” explains Margaret. “I believe that Primerica is, indeed, the perfect place for women. Here, we have the opportunity to have flexible hours, to be present for our family/children in the ways that are most important to us, while still having the ability to grow and develop an amazing business.
“Finding Primerica has vastly improved our financial well-being as a family, and it has given us financial freedom. As a family, with the financial education we’ve received through this business, we have learned ‘how money works.’ And those simple concepts have informed all of our financial decisions over the years and have enabled us to build a better future.”