Primerica in the Community
The Meaning Behind the Money
Charitable funding from Primerica and grant funding from The Primerica Foundation has helped transform lives, families and communities for the better. Dollar amounts don't really tell the whole story but when you know what the dollars have done for people in need — then you know the meaning behind the money.
Here are some real results and community impacts made by Primerica funding:
Low income senior citizens were able to remain in their homes due to funding for home improvements that gave them adequate heat, ventilation, running water, electricity and accident prevention.
Through assisted admissions program funding by The Foundation, Georgia students went on field trips and participated in quality educational programming at Zoo Atlanta, Fernbank, The Hudgens Fine Arts Center, The Aurora Theater and the premier arts center of the Southeast, The Woodruff Arts Center.
Grant funding and corporate contributions are at work to end the cycle of domestic violence and poverty through programs and services at Rainbow Village, the Partnership against Domestic Violence, the Atlanta Children's Shelter Gateway and the Gwinnett Children's Shelter.
Thousands of students in Georgia benefited from grant funding for education. Funding has supported the Georgia Partnership for Excellence in Education, The Gwinnett County Public School Foundation, the Gwinnett Tech Foundation, the Georgia Council for Economic Education and Communities in Schools of Atlanta.
Funding from the Foundation helped provide safe housing, life and workforce skills, educational support, mentoring and mental health counseling to foster children in Georgia. Grantees serving foster children include The Orange Duffel Bag Initiative, CHRIS Kids and Foster Cares.
Support for the nonprofit Year Up, provided training for the workforce of today. This training enables urban youth to enter corporate internships "job ready". Eighty-five percent of Year Up participants are offered permanent employment at the end of their internship.
The USO, Our Military Kids and Wounded Warrior Project all received grant funding to support those who are the most deserving - our Veterans and their families.
Funding from The Primerica Foundation supports Junior Achievement's efforts to serve every middle grade student from the Gwinnett County Public Schools with interactive learning at the JA Discovery Center in Gwinnett.
Support for Youth Enrichment and Mentoring programs included funding for the Big Brothers, Big Sisters, Boys and Girls Clubs of Metro Atlanta, the YMCA, Cool Girls, The Boy Scouts and The Girl Scouts.

Primerica and The Primerica Foundation Team Up with Junior Achievement in Finance Park & 3DE
Primerica and The Primerica Foundation, alongside more than 30 other top businesses in Gwinnett County, have partnered with Junior Achievement of Georgia (JA) in a project that will impact every middle school student in Gwinnett County.
The JA Discovery Center in Gwinnett is designed to simulate the Gwinnett County business community. Each of these businesses has a physical store front - a replica of their actual business. The two parts of the JA Discovery Center include Biz Town and Finance Park. Primerica's store front is in Finance Park. Students participate in "real-life" simulations and activities that teach them real-life lessons about financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and career readiness.
To understand the impact of this project, 25,000 middle school students, all sixth and eighth graders in the Gwinnett County Public School System, will have the opportunity to participate in JA's Discovery Center.
For more information about the Junior Achievement Discovery Center in Gwinnett, visit georgia.ja.org.
Primerica Receives Award for Work with Junior AchievementPrimerica Partners with Make-A-Wish Georgia
Primerica teamed up with Invesco to fund a special trip to Disney World for a Make-A-Wish Georgia recipient and her family in 2018.
In 2019, Primerica’s donation granted a sick child’s wish to see the ocean for the first time in his life.
Make-A-Wish Georgia grants "wishes" for children with critical illnesses. For more information about Make-A-Wish Georgia, visit http://georgia.wish.org/.
Primerica Named Top Corporate Team for Relay for Life
Primerica has proudly supported the world’s largest Relay For Life event, as Presenting Sponsor since 2013. Through Primerica’s corporate funding and employee fundraising, Primerica has contributed over $500K to the American Cancer Society to benefit cancer research and patient programs.
Primerica was recognized as Gwinnett's Top Corporate Team from 2012-2019.
Primerica was also named a National Team of Excellence in 2017, 2018, and 2019, and top overall fundraising team in 2018 and 2019.
Also in 2019, Primerica received top honors as the recipient of Gwinnett’s Spirit of Giving and Top Fundraising Team Awards raising over $120,000 for the American Cancer Society.
The Primerica Foundation Supports HomeFirst Gwinnett
The Primerica Foundation is partnering with the United Way of Greater Atlanta to address the critical issue of homelessness and food insufficiency in Gwinnett County. Read about it: Giving a Hand Up to Neighbors in Need